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Map > Map Assembly Classes

Map Assembly Classes

The Map assembly contains the following classes:

  Class Brief description
DxMap The DxMap class contains properties and methods that are used to determine map parameters.
DxMapAreaVisual The DxMapAreaVisual class contains properties and methods that are used to work with a map factor on a map layer.
DxMapBarVisual The DxMapBarVisual class contains properties and methods that are used to determine bar factor parameters.
DxMapColorScale The DxMapColorScale class determines color scale parameters for a map.
DxMapFillScale The DxMapFillScale class contains properties and methods that are used to work with a hatching scale.
DxMapIconScale The DxMapIconScale class contains properties and methods that are used to work with an icon scale.
DxMapImageVisual The DxMapImageVisual class contains properties and methods that are used to work with an icon factor on a map layer.
DxMapLegend The DxMapLegend class contains properties and methods that are used to work with a map legend.
DxMapMarkerVisual The DxMapMarkerVisual class is used to work with geolocation markers.
DxMapNumericScale The DxMapNumericScale class contains properties and methods that are used to work with a numeric scale.
DxMapPieVisual The DxMapPieVisual class contains properties and methods that are used to work with a pie factor.
DxMapTerritoryInfo The DxMapTerritoryInfo class contains properties and methods that are used to work with territory info.
DxMapTopobase The DxMapTopobase class contains properties and methods that are used to work with a map topobase.
DxMapView The DxMapView class contains properties and methods that determine a map and map objects display parameters.
MapBox The MapBox implements the MapBox development environment component that is used for displaying of maps.
MapBoxTerritoryEventArgs The MapBoxTerritoryEventArgs class implements the argument of the event that occurs when clicking on any map area with the main mouse button.
MapExporter The MapExporter class contains properties and methods for map export.
MapWidget The MapWidget class is used to set up the MapWidget component.
UiMap The UiMap class implements the UiMap  development environment component that is a data source for the MapBox component.

See also:

Map Assembly Interfaces | Map Assembly Enumerations