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Library of Methods and Models > Descriptive Statistics and Summary Statistics > Performance Criteria > Fisher Statistics

Fisher Statistics

Fisher statistics is used to check the hypothesis of the correlation between an output variable and regressors. The null hypothesis of coefficients' equality to zero for all regressors is analyzed.

Formula for Fisher statistics calculation for a model with a constant:

Formula for Fisher statistics calculation for a model without a constant:


For uncentered determination coefficient corresponding Fisher statistics can be calculated.

Fisher statistics probability

The Fisher statistics has the Fisher distribution:

The null hypothesis on the coefficients equality to zero for all regressors is rejected if the probability is less than the significance level. One of standard significance levels (0.1, 0.05 or 0.01) is considered.

See also:

ISummaryStatistics.Fstat | ISummaryStatistics.Fstat_2 | ISummaryStatistics.ProbFstat | ISummaryStatistics.ProbFstat_2 | ISmARCHTest.FStatistic | ISmBreuschPaganGodfreyTest.FStatistic | Library of Methods and Models