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Laner > Laner Assembly Interfaces > ILanerTransformPeriod > ILanerTransformPeriod.OutputEndOffset


Fore Syntax

OutputEndOffset: Integer;

Fore.NET Syntax

OutputEndOffset: integer;


The OutputEndOffset property determines the number of periods, by which data loading period end date is offset.


Period end date offset is used if data loading period is set by means of the conditions, that is, the ILanerTransformPeriod.OutputAutoPeriod property value is set.

To set the number of periods, by which data loading starts date is offset, use the ILanerTransformPeriod.OutputStartOffset property.

Fore and Fore.NET examples

The property use is given in the example for ILanerTransformPeriod.OutputAutoPeriod.

See also:
