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Laner > Laner Assembly Interfaces > ILanerTransformPeriod > ILanerTransformPeriod.EndDate


Fore Syntax

EndDate: DateTime;

Fore.NET Syntax

EndDate: System.DateTime;


The EndDate property determines the forecast end date for the series values.


The property value is alterable, if the ILanerTransformPeriod.PeriodSet contains the LnTransformPeriodSet.EndDate or LnTransformPeriodSet.All values. That is why the ILanerTransformPeriod.PeriodSet value needs to be set before the EndDate setting.

If the property value is not set, the end date of forecasting of series values is determined by the ILanerTransformPeriod.EndDateParamId property.

If the EndDate and ILanerTransformPeriod.EndDateParamId properties are set, the end date of forecasting of series values is determined by the last set property.


The property use is given in the example for ILanerCalculateSerie.TransformPeriod.

See also:
