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Laner > Laner Assembly Interfaces > ILanerSerieDisplayParams > ILanerSerieDisplayParams.Inversion



Inversion: TsInversion ;


The Inversion property determines a method of initial data transformation.


Executing this example requires a form with the Button1 button, the LanerBox component with the LanerBox1 identifier and the UiErAnalyzer component used as a data source for LanerBox. Workbook of the time series database must be loaded to UiErAnalyzer.

Click the button to start executing this example.

Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);


i: Integer;

Serie: ILanerSerie;

DisplayParams: ILanerSerieDisplayParams;


For i := 0 To LanerBox1.SelectedSeriesCount - 1 Do

Serie := LanerBox1.SelectedSeries(i);

DisplayParams := Serie.DisplayParams;

DisplayParams.Inversion := TsInversion.Diff;

DisplayParams.InversionLag := TsInversionLag.PrecidingYear;

DisplayParams.PreviousInversionLag := -3;

End For;

End Sub Button1OnClick;

After executing this example, the mode of displaying data of all series, highlighted in the LanerBox component, is changed. Increase of series values to the previous year with the lag of 3 is displayed instead of initial data.

See also:
