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Ms > Ms Assembly Interfaces > IMsCalculationChainIterator


Assembly: Ms;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Ms;


The IMsCalculationChainIterator interface is used to work with cycle settings in calculation chain of metamodel.

Inheritance Hierarchy






To create a cycle in the metamodel chain, use the IMsCalculationChainEntries.AddIterator method.


  Property name Brief description
The CalendarSettings property determines calendar parameters.
The DimOpenParams property determines the value of the parameter, with which the dimension is opened, by which the selection for calculation of the cycle is set
The ElementGroup property determines the group of elements based on which cycle should be calculated.
The EndDate property determines the end date of the iteration.
The EndParamID property determines parameter which sets iteration end date.
The Expression property returns cycle calculation condition.
The Frequencies property determines calendar frequency of iterations.
The MaxIterations property determines the maximum number of cycle iterations.
The Parameter property determines the metamodel parameters used for cycle calculation.
The ParameterAsGroup property determines the parameter identifier, that sets the elements, by which the cycle is calculated.
The ParameterAsSelection property determines the parameter used as dictionary element selection.
The PostCondition property determines whether to calculate the cycle for the first time without checking cycle execution condition.
The Selection property determines the selection, by which the cycle is calculated.
The StartDate property determines iteration start date.
The StartParamID property determines parameters which sets iteration start date.
The Step_ property determines calculation step.
The StepParam property determines parameters which sets cycle calculation step.
The Transform property returns calculation parameters of cycle execution condition.
The UseDates property determines whether cycle should be calculated by dates.

Properties inherited from IMsCalculationChainFolder

  Property name Brief description
Contents The Contents property returns collection of child elements.

Properties inherited from IMsCalculationChainGroup

  Property name Brief description
CalculationType The CalculationType property determines a group calculation mode.
Level The Level property sets frequency of group calculation.
LevelParam The LevelParam property determines parameter which sets group calculation frequency.
OutputPeriod The OutputPeriod property returns data unloading period parameters.
Period The Period property returns parameters of group calculation period.

Properties inherited from IMsCalculationChainEntry

  Property name Brief description
Description The Description property determines description of element of calculation chain.
Excluded The Excluded property determines whether element of chain is used in metamodel calculation.
InheritModelPeriod The InheritModelPeriod property determines whether element of chain inherits calculation period and frequency from parent element.
Key The Key property returns the key of element of calculation chain.
Name The Name property determines a name of element of calculation chain.
ParentEntries The ParentEntries property returns parent object.
Tag Compiler ignores the Tag property; thus, user can use this property for his own purposes.
Type The Type property returns the type of element of calculation chain of metamodel.

Methods inherited from IMsCalculationChainEntry

  Property name Brief description
MoveToParent The MoveToParent method moves element of calculation chain of metamodel.

See also:

Ms Assembly Interfaces