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Ms > Ms Assembly Interfaces > IMsCalculationChainGroup > IMsCalculationChainGroup.Period


Fore Syntax

Period: IMsModelPeriod;

Fore.NET Syntax

Period: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Ms.IMsModelPeriod;


The Period property returns parameters of group calculation period.


This property enables the user to set the following period parameters of group calculation:

Sample period start date Sample period end date Forecasting period start date
Specified date (default). Specified date (default). Specified date (default).
Current date plus/minus k points. Current date plus/minus k points. Current date plus/minus k points.
Setting value by parameter. Setting value by parameter. Setting value by parameter.

If the Period property is used to set the calculation period of a condition branch implemented by the IMsCalculationChainBranch interface, the following options are available:

Sample period start date Sample period end date Forecasting period start date
Specified date (default). Specified date (default). Specified date (default).
Current date plus/minus k points. Current date plus/minus k points. Current date plus/minus k points.
Setting value by parameter. Setting value by parameter. Setting value by parameter.
Sample period end minus k points. Sample period start plus k points. Sample period end plus k points.

Fore and Fore.NET Examples

The property use is given in the example for IMsCalculationChainGroup.CalculationType.

See also:
