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Modeller > Modeller Assembly Interfaces > IEmOmittedVariablesTestSettings > IEmOmittedVariablesTestSettings.OmittedExplanatories


Fore syntax

OmittedExplanatories: IEmSeriesList;

Fore.NET syntax

OmittedExplanatories: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Modeller.IEmSeriesList;


The OmittedExplanatories property returns the set of the added series.


Series to be added are the series for which the hypothesis about insignificance for the regression model is tested. The number of series to be added must be not less than one.

If the series is added, it cannot be a part of the series set that are returned by the IEmOmittedVariablesTestSettings.Explanatories property.

Fore and Fore.NET examples

The property use is given in the example for IEmOmittedVariablesTestSettings.Explained.

See also:
