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Modeller > Modeller Assembly Interfaces > IEmCurveEstimationSettings > IEmCurveEstimationSettings.Explained


Fore syntax

Explained: IEmSerie;

Fore.NET syntax

Explained: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Modeller.IEmSerie;


The Explained property determines explained series.


If an explanatory series is not specified, correct calculation of the Curve Estimation method is impossible.

Fore example

Executing the example requires a form that contains the CheckBox component with the CheckBox1 identifier. Add links to the Modeller, Stat system assemblies.

Sub CurveEstimation;
    ExprMod: IExpressModeller;
    Ar: Array[14Of Double;
    Serie: IEmSerie;
    Sett: IEmCurveEstimationSettings;
    ExprMod := New ExpressModeller.Create;
    Sett := ExprMod.CreateCurveEstimationSettings;
    // Setting explained series
    Ar[0] := 56; Ar[1] := 45; Ar[2] := 23; Ar[3] := 45;
    Ar[4] := 65; Ar[5] := 23; Ar[6] := 54; Ar[7] := 87;
    Ar[8] := 67; Ar[9] := 98; Ar[10] := 89; Ar[13] := 79;
    Ar[11] := Double.Nan; Ar[12] := Double.Nan;
    Serie := ExprMod.Series.Add(Ar, "X1""Data series 1");
    Sett.Explained := Serie;
    If CheckBox1.Checked Then
        // Setting explanatory series
        Ar[0] := 58; Ar[1] := 50; Ar[2] := 26; Ar[4] := 72;
        Ar[5] := 28; Ar[6] := 62; Ar[7] := 95; Ar[8] := 74;
        Ar[10] := 94; Ar[11] := 100; Ar[12] := 54; Ar[13] := 81;
        Ar[3] := Double.Nan; Ar[9] := Double.Nan;
        Serie := ExprMod.Series.Add(Ar, "X2""Data series 2");
        Sett.ExplanatoryIsTrend := False;
        Sett.Explanatory := Serie;
        Sett.ExplanatoryIsTrend := True;
        // Set the first point of explanatory time series
        Sett.ReferencePoint := 2;
    End If;
    // Setting estimated dependencies forms
    Sett.DependenceForm(DependenceType.Linear) := False;
    Sett.DependenceForm(DependenceType.Logistic) := False;
    // Setting best model selection criterion
    Sett.Criterion := DependenceCriterion.R2Adj;
    // Setting polynomial degree
    Sett.PolynomOrder := 4;
    // Setting seasonality type
    Sett.Seasonality := SeasonalityType.Additive;
    // Setting seasonality period
    Sett.SeasonalityCycle := 4;
    //Setting calculation periods
    Sett.Period.BeginPeriod := 0;
    Sett.Period.EndPeriod := 13;
    // Performing calculation
    ExprMod.EvaluateMethod("C:\CurveEstimation.html", Sett, True);
End Sub CurveEstimation;

Example execution result: the Curve Estimation method is calculated with set parameters. If the CheckBox1 checkbox is not selected, trend is used as an explanatory series; if it is selected, specified explanatory series values are used. Calculation report is saved to the file C:\CurveEstimation.html.

Fore.NET example

Executing the example requires a form that contains the CheckBox component with the checkBox1 identifier.

Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Modeller;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Stat;

Public Sub CurveEstimation();
    ExprMod: IExpressModeller;
    Ar: Array[14Of Double;
    Serie: IEmSerie;
    Sett: IEmCurveEstimationSettings;
    ExprMod := New ExpressModeller.Create();
    Sett := ExprMod.CreateCurveEstimationSettings();
    // Setting explained series
    Ar[0] := 56; Ar[1] := 45; Ar[2] := 23; Ar[3] := 45;
    Ar[4] := 65; Ar[5] := 23; Ar[6] := 54; Ar[7] := 87;
    Ar[8] := 67; Ar[9] := 98; Ar[10] := 89; Ar[13] := 79;
    Ar[11] := Double.Nan; Ar[12] := Double.Nan;
    Serie := ExprMod.Series.Add(Ar, "X1""Data series 1");
    Sett.Explained := Serie;
    If checkBox1.Checked Then
        // Setting explanatory series
        Ar[0] := 58; Ar[1] := 50; Ar[2] := 26; Ar[4] := 72;
        Ar[5] := 28; Ar[6] := 62; Ar[7] := 95; Ar[8] := 74;
        Ar[10] := 94; Ar[11] := 100; Ar[12] := 54; Ar[13] := 81;
        Ar[3] := Double.Nan; Ar[9] := Double.Nan;
        Serie := ExprMod.Series.Add(Ar, "X2""Data series 2");
        Sett.ExplanatoryIsTrend := False;
        Sett.Explanatory := Serie;
        Sett.ExplanatoryIsTrend := True;
        // Set the first point of explanatory time series
        Sett.ReferencePoint := 2;
    End If;
    // Setting estimated dependencies forms
    Sett.DependenceForm[DependenceType.dtLinear] := False;
    Sett.DependenceForm[DependenceType.dtLogistic] := False;
    // Setting best model selection criterion
    Sett.Criterion := DependenceCriterion.dctR2Adj;
    // Setting polynomial degree
    Sett.PolynomOrder := 4;
    // Setting seasonality type
    Sett.Seasonality := SeasonalityType.sstAdditive;
    // Setting seasonality period
    Sett.SeasonalityCycle := 4;
    //Setting calculation periods
    Sett.Period.BeginPeriod := 0;
    Sett.Period.EndPeriod := 13;
    // Performing calculation
    ExprMod.EvaluateMethod("C:\CurveEstimation.html", Sett, True);
End Sub CurveEstimation;

Example execution result: the Curve Estimation method is calculated with set parameters. If the checkBox1 checkbox is not selected, trend is used as an explanatory series; if it is selected, specified explanatory series values are used. Calculation report is saved to the file C:\CurveEstimation.html.

See also:
