ForeNet > About the ForeNet Assembly
This section presents description of the ForeNet assembly, that contains tools used work with .NET objects of the development environment, and tools used to bind two programming languages: Fore and Fore.NET.
Conditionally assembly interfaces could be divided into following groups:
Interfaces to work with .NET objects of development environment:
IForeNETAssembly is an interface that contains properties and methods of the .NET Assembly development environment object.
IForeNETModule is an interface that contains properties and methods of the .NET unit development environment object.
IForeNETForm is an interface that contains properties and methods of the .NET Form development environment object.
IForeNETSerializer and IForeNETSerializerLoader is an interface that contains properties and methods used to save and load .NET objects of development environment from external files.
Interfaces used to work with .NET objects in the Fore language:
IForeNETAssemblyClass is a base interface that contains static properties and methods of the ForeNETAssemblyClass class, that gives the context of the current running application of the platform, and that is used to receive information about system assemblies of platform and assemblies, registered in GAC.
IForeNETRuntime is an interface that contains properties and methods to obtain access and using of different .NET assemblies.
IForeNETRuntimeAssembly is an interface that contains properties and methods used to work with context of various .NET assemblies (both assemblies of repository, and assemblies registered in GAC).
IForeNETRuntimeForm is an interface that contains methods used to work with context of .NET forms of platform.
IForeNETRuntimeType is an interface that contains properties and methods used to work with .NET types implemented in .NET assemblies.
IForeNETRuntimeMethod is an interface that contains properties and methods used to work with .NET methods of various .NET types.
IForeNETRuntimeMethodArgs is an additional interface used to work with collection of arguments used at execution of .NET types.
IForeNETRuntimeMethodBinding is an additional interface used to work with collection of arguments used at execution of .NET types.
IForeNETRuntimeObject is an interface that contains basic methods of any .NET objects (assemblies, types, methods, or instances of any objects).
IForeNETRuntimeObjectInstance is an interface that contains properties and methods used to work with instance of .NET object.
INetControlBox is an interface that contains properties and methods of the NetControlBox development environment component.
IExecuteForeNetMethodScheduledTask is an interface that contains properties and methods used to work with object of the scheduled tasks container, that implements the execution of .NET assembly.
A more detailed information on work with .NET objects using resources of this assembly is described in the following sections:
See also:
ForeNet Assembly Interfaces | ForeNet Assembly Enumerations | ForeNet Assembly Classes