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ForeNet > ForeNet Assembly Interfaces

ForeNet Assembly Interfaces

  Interface Brief description
The IExecuteForeNetMethodScheduledTask interface contains properties and methods used to work with the object of scheduled tasks container, that implements execution of .NET assembly.
The IForeNETAppDomain interface contains properties and methods used to work with application domain, used in platform.
The IForeNETAssembly interface contains properties and methods of the .NET Assembly development environment object.
The IForeNETAssemblyClass interface contains static properties and methods of the ForeNETAssemblyClass class.
The IForeNETAssemblyModule interface contains properties of the .NET unit, that is a part of a .NET assembly.
The IForeNETAssemblyModules interface contains properties and methods used to work with collection of .NET assembly modules.
The IForeNETAssemblyReference interface contains properties used to get the information about link to repository .NET assembly.
The IForeNETAssemblyReferences interface contains properties and methods used to work with collection of links to .NET assembly of platform.
The IForeNETBuiltinAssemblies interface contains properties used to get information about system assemblies of platform.
The IForeNETContent interface contains basic methods used to work with the content of .NET objects.
The IForeNETForm interface contains methods used to work with development environment object that is .NET form.
The IForeNETFormContent interface contains properties and methods used to work with content of .NET form.
The IForeNETMakeArgs interface contains properties used to receive information about compilation of .NET assembly.
The IForeNETMethod interface is used to work with the custom .NET method.
The IForeNETMethodParam interface is used to work with a parameter of custom .NET method.
The IForeNETMethodParams interface is used to work with collection of parameters of custom .NET method.
The IForeNETMethods interface is used to work with a collection of .NET methods.
The IForeNETModule interface contains methods used to work with the .NET unit development environment object.
The IForeNETModuleContent interface contains properties and methods used to work with the content of .NET unit.
The IForeNETRuntime interface contains properties and methods that allow to work with .NET objects within running the current application.
The IForeNETRuntimeAssembly interface contains properties and methods to work with the context of .NET assembly.
The IForeNETRuntimeForm interface contains properties and methods used to work with the context of .NET forms, contained in .NET assemblies of platform.
The IForeNETRuntimeMethod interface contains properties and methods used to work with .NET method, implemented at any .NET type.
The IForeNETRuntimeMethodArgs interface contains properties and methods used to work with collection of arguments, that are used during execution of different methods.
The IForeNETRuntimeMethodBinding interface contains properties and methods used to determine searching parameters of overloaded .NET method.
The IForeNETRuntimeMethods interface contains properties and methods used to work with collection of .NET methods, obtained from any .NET type description.
The IForeNETRuntimeObject interface contains basic methods used to work with .NET object.
The IForeNETRuntimeObjectInstance interface contains properties and methods used to work with instance of .NET object.
The IForeNETRuntimeType interface contains properties and methods used to work with .NET type.
The IForeNETRuntimeTypes interface contains properties and methods used to work with the collection of .NET types.
The IForeNETSerializer interface contains basic methods used to save and load .NET objects.
The IForeNETSerializerLoader interface contains properties and methods used to load .NET objects.
The IForeNETSystemAssemblyEnum interface contains methods used to work with enumeration of system assemblies, registered in GAC.
The IForeNETSystemAssemblyName interface contains properties and methods used to receive the information about system assembly.
The INetControlBox interface contains properties and methods of the NetControlBox development environment component.
The INetControlBoxEventArgs interface contains the event argument properties of the NetControlBox component, that takes place if any of tracked events of .NET component occurs.
The ISharedParamsEx interface provides advanced global settings of repository.

See also:

The ForeNet Assembly Enumerations | The ForeNet Assembly Classes