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ExtCtrls > ExtCtrls Assembly Interfaces > IMetaAttributesTreeList > IMetaAttributesTreeList.UserConditions



UserConditions: IOrmConditions;


The UserConditions property returns user conditions applied to tree elements.


Executing the example requires a form with a button with the Button1 identifier, the MetaAttributesBreadcrumb and the MetaAttributesTreeList components with the MetaAttributesBreadcrumb1 and the MetaAttributesTreeList1 identifiers. The repository must contain a time series database with the OBJ_FC identifier. Click the button to start executing the example.

Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);


mb: IMetabase;

rubDescr: IMetabaseObjectDescriptor;

dict: IMetaDictionary;

dictInst: IMetaDictionaryInstance;

rub: IRubricator;

rubInst: IRubricatorInstance;

conds: IOrmConditions;

con: IOrmCondition;


mb := MetabaseClass.Active;

rubDescr := mb.ItemById("OBJ_FC");

rub := rubDescr.Bind As IRubricator;

rubInst := rubDescr.Open(Null) As IRubricatorInstance;

dictInst := rubInst.GetDictionary(RubricatorDictionary.Facts);

If dictInst <> Null Then

dict := (dictInst As IMetabaseObjectInstance).Object As IMetaDictionary;

MetaAttributesTreeList1.Dictionary := dict;

conds := MetaAttributesTreeList1.UserConditions;

con := conds.Add;

con.AttributeName := "DL";

con.Value := 1;

MetaAttributesTreeList1.Breadcrumb := MetaAttributesBreadcrumb1;

MetaAttributesBreadcrumb1.Dictionary := dictInst;

MetaAttributesBreadcrumb1.MetaAttributes := dict.Attributes;

End If;

End Sub Button1OnClick;

After executing the example, the attribute that determines the time series database tree hierarchy that is displayed in the MetaAttributesTreeList component can be selected in the MetaAttributesBreadcrumb component. A restriction is applied to the elements tree: only data with annual frequency is displayed.

See also:
