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ExtCtrls > ExtCtrls Assembly Interfaces > IDataGridColumn > IDataGridColumn.Lookup



Lookup: IDataGridLookup;


The Lookup property determines the display parameters of the selected element in the drop-down list of dictionary.


Executing the example requires a form with the Button1 button on this form and the DataGrid component named DataGrid1. The repository has a dictionary with the D_TO identifier.

Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);


MB: IMetabase;

Obj: IMetabaseObjectDescriptor;


MB := MetabaseClass.Active;

Obj := MB.ItemById("D_TO");

UiDimension1.Object := Obj;

UiDimension1.Active := True;

Col := DataGrid1.Columns.Item(0);

Col.Lookup.Dimension := UiDimension1;

Col.EditorBinding := "UI=""DimCombo""ID=""D_TO""SELECTIONMODE=SingleSelect";

End Sub Button1OnClick;

After clicking the button a drop-down list of the D_TO dictionary is inserted into first column of the component.  After selecting the dictionary element its name is displayed in a cell. Cell value contains identifier of the selected element.

If the LookUp property is not set, after selecting the element, the identifier of the selected element is displayed in a cell.

See also:
