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Dimensions > Dimensions Assembly Interfaces > IStandardDimBlock > IStandardDimBlock.Binding



Binding(Attribute: IStandardDimAttribute): IExpression;


Attribute. Attribute of the table dictionary.


The Binding property returns an object containing formula that determines correspondence between block attributes and data source field.


Executing the example requires that the repository contains a table dictionary with the TAB_DIM identifier. The dictionary list of attributes contains one additional attribute with the codes of parents. The repository also contains a table with the Tablica_1 identifier. The table has four fields: Id, Name, Ord and Parent_Id.

Sub Main;


MB: IMetabase;

MObj: IMetabaseObject;

Dataset: IDatasetModel;

DatasetFields: IDatasetModelFields;

Dim: IStandardDimension;

DimBlocks: IStandardDimBlocks;

DimBlock: IStandardDimRecursiveBlock;

BlockAttr: IStandardDimAttributes;

PrimIndex: IStandardDimIndex;

s: String;


s := "Table_1";

MB := MetabaseClass.Active;

MObj := MB.ItemById("TAB_DIM").Edit;

Dataset := MB.ItemById(s).Bind As IDatasetModel;

DatasetFields := Dataset.Fields;

Dim := MObj As IStandardDimension;

DimBlocks := Dim.Blocks;

BlockAttr := Dim.Attributes;

//New recursive block

DimBlock := DimBlocks.Add(DimBlockType.Recursive) As IStandardDimRecursiveBlock;

PrimIndex := DimBlock.Indexes.PrimaryIndex;


DimBlock.Dataset := Dataset;

//Attribute binding

DimBlock.Binding(BlockAttr.Id).AsString := s + "." + DatasetFields.FindById("Id").Id;

DimBlock.Binding(BlockAttr.Name).AsString := s + "." + DatasetFields.FindById("Name").Id;

DimBlock.Binding(BlockAttr.Order).AsString := s + "." + DatasetFields.FindById("Ord").Id;

DimBlock.Binding(BlockAttr.Item(BlockAttr.Count - 1)).AsString := s + "." + DatasetFields.FindById("Parent_Id").Id;

//Upper level

DimBlock.StartWith.AsString := s + "." + Dataset.Fields.FindById("Parent_Id").Id + "=0";

//Connection adjustment is performed by the recursion index

DimBlock.ConnectByIndex := PrimIndex;

DimBlock.ConnectBy(PrimIndex.Attributes.Item(0)).AsString := s + "." + DatasetFields.FindById("Parent_Id").Id;


End Sub Main;

After executing the example a new recursive block is created in the dictionary. Block attributes are linked to the fields of data source, as well as the block recursion is adjusted. When a dictionary is created, elements of the upper level are elements with the Parent_Id value, equal to 0.

See also:
