Dimensions > Dimensions Assembly Interfaces > IDimCalendarPeriodSelection > IDimCalendarPeriodSelection.Select_
Select_(Levels: DimCalendarLevelSet; Replace: Boolean);
@Select(Levels: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Dimensions.DimCalendarLevelSet; Replace: Boolean);
Levels. Calendar level.
Replace. Determines whether levels selected in the IDimCalendarPeriodSelection.Levels should be replaced.
The Select_ method includes specified level into selection.
Select_ changes and complements value of the IDimCalendarPeriodSelection.Levels property. If the Replace parameter value is True, the value of the IDimCalendarPeriodSelection.Levels is replaced with value of the Levels parameter. If the Replace parameter value is False, the value of IDimCalendarPeriodSelection.Levels is complemented with value of the Levels parameter.
The method use is given in the example for IDimCalendarSelection.Period.
See also: