Dimensions > Dimensions Assembly Interfaces > IDimBuilder > IDimBuilder.SetAttributeInstanceValuesLoader
SetAttributeInstanceValuesLoader(Loader: IDimAttributeInstanceValuesLoader);
SetAttributeInstanceValuesLoader(Loader: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Dimensions.IDimAttributeInstanceValuesLoader);
Loader. Loader of additional attributes values.
The SetAttributeInstanceValuesLoader method sets value loader of additional attributes.
This method is used to work with all types of Platform's dictionaries.
Executing the example requires that repository contains calculated dictionary with three attributes.
This example is a macro for calculated dictionary. The LoadDim procedure can be used to set up delayed loading for attribute.
Sub LoadDim(UserDim: IUserDimension; Builder: IDimBuilder);
loader: IDimBlockLoader;
row: Integer;
// Set delayed loading for attribute
Builder.SetAttributeInstanceValuesLoader(New AttributeValuesLoader.Create(UserDim.Attributes.Item(2).Key, UserDim.Blocks.Item(0).Key));
//Create loader of root elements
loader := Builder.CreateRootBlockLoader(UserDim.Blocks.Item(0).Key);
//Create root elements
row := loader.AddRow;
loader.Value(row, 0) := 1;
loader.Value(row, 1) := "1";
End Sub LoadDim;
// Delayed loader
Class AttributeValuesLoader: Object, IDimAttributeInstanceValuesLoader
attributeKey: Integer;
blockKey: Integer;
Public Constructor Create(attributeKey: Integer; blockKey: Integer);
Self.attributeKey := attributeKey;
Self.blockKey := blockKey;
End Constructor Create;
// Determine the Load method
Sub Load(Arguments: IDimAttributeInstanceValuesLoaderArguments);
loader: IDimBlockLoader;
row: Integer;
If (Arguments.AttributeKeys <> Null) And (Arguments.AttributeKeys.Length > 0) And (Arguments.AttributeKeys[0] = Self.attributeKey) Then
loader := Arguments.BlockLoader(Self.blockKey);
row := loader.AddRow;
// Loading attribute of primary key to link this row to loaded element
loader.Value(row, 0) := 1;
// Fill in attribute with delayed loading
loader.Value(row, 2) := "defered value";
End If;
End Sub Load;
End Class AttributeValuesLoader;
After executing the procedure, loading of attribute values will be delayed.
See also: