Dimensions > Dimensions Assembly Interfaces > ICustomDimTree > ICustomDimTree.Include
Include(PrimaryKey: Variant): Boolean;
PrimaryKey. Primary key of the element access to which is to be determined.
The Include property determines whether specified element will be available in the OLAP selection.
Available property values:
True. Element is available in selection.
False. Element is not available in selection.
Executing the example requires a standard cube with the CUBE_1 identifier.
Sub Main;
MB: IMetabase;
MObj: IMetabaseObject;
Cube: IStandardCube;
CustDim: ICustomDimension;
CustDimTree: ICustomDimTree;
MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
MObj := MB.ItemById("CUBE_1").Edit;
Cube := MObj As IStandardCube;
CustDim := Cube.FactDimension.Dimension As ICustomDimension;
CustDimTree := CustDim.Tree;
CustDimTree.Include(CustDimTree.RootChildren.Item(0)) := False;
End Sub Main;
After executing the example the first root element of fact dimension is unavailable in OLAP selection.
See also: