Dimensions > Dimensions Assembly Interfaces > ICalendarDimension > ICalendarDimension.AllowedNameFormat
AllowedNameFormat(BlockIndex: Integer; NameFormatIndex: Integer): Boolean;
BlockIndex — block index.
Dictionary block type | Block name |
0 | Root. |
1 | Year. |
2 | Half-year. |
3 | Quarters. |
4 | Months. |
5 | Days. |
6 | Nine months. |
NameFormatIndex — name format index.
Format index | Brief description |
0 | Root. (Name of calendar dictionary). |
1 | Year. (2000). |
2 | Half-years. (I half-year of 2000). |
3 | Quarters. (I quarter of 2000). |
4 | Months. (Jan 2000). |
5 | Days. (01 Jan 2000). |
6 | Nine months. (9 months of 2000). |
7 | Brief date format. (01.01.2000). |
The AllowedNameFormat property returns True, if name format, index of which is passed by the NameFormatIndex parameter, can be used to change format of displaying block elements in calendar dictionary. Type of calendar dictionary block is passed by the BlockIndex parameter.
See also: