Dimensions > Dimensions Assembly Interfaces > ICalendarDimension > ICalendarDimension.AddAttribute
AddAttribute(AttrIndex: Integer);
AttrIndex. Reserved index of a standard attribute.
The AddAttribute method adds a standard attribute to the list of attributes available when calendar dictionary is created.
A number of standard attributes can be used for calendar dictionaries:
Reserved attribute index | Attribute identifier. | Attribute name |
0 | NAME | Calendar element name. |
1 | START_DATE | Start date of the period. |
2 | FINISH_DATE | End date of the period. |
3 | BLOCK_TYPE | Dictionary block type. |
4 | LEVEL_TYPE | Type of dictionary level. |
5 | BLOCK_NAME | Name of dictionary block. |
6 | LEVEL_NAME | Name of dictionary level. |
7 | ORDER | Order. |
8 | ID | Identifier. |
9 | PERIOD | Period. |
10 | YEAR | Year number. |
11 | HALF_OF_YEAR | Half-year number. |
12 | QUARTER | Quarter number. |
13 | MONTH | Month number. |
14 | WEEK_OF_YEAR | Number of a week in a year. |
15 | DAY_OF_WEEK | Number of a day in a week. |
16 | DAY_OF_MONTH | Number of a day in a month. |
17 | DAY_OF_YEAR | Number of a day in a year. |
Every attribute has reserved index, that is used for extension of attribute list, values for which are calculated while building a dictionary. By default the list contains a certain set of attributes. The list depends on the selected calendar hierarchy.
Executing the example assumes that the repository contains a calendar dictionary with the CALENDAR_DIM identifier.
Sub Main;
MB: IMetabase;
MObj: IMetabaseObject;
CalDim: ICalendarDimension;
CalDim:=MObj As ICalendarDimension;
End Sub Main;
After executing the example the Finish_ Date attribute is added to calendar dictionary.
See also: