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Working with General Visual Components > Components

General Visual Components


The page contains general visual components.


  Component name Brief description
ArrowDropPanel The ArrowDropPanel component is a drop-down panel with arrow and random contents.
Autocomplete The Autocomplete component is a non-visual component used to provide the user with possible suggestions while he types in a text.
BorderCombo The BorderCombo component is a drop-down list for selecting the border type.
BorderLayout The BorderLayout component is a layout to place components inside the container respecting its borders.
Breadcrumb The Breadcrumb component is used to create an object breadcrumb.
Button The Button component is a button.
CellPicker The CellPicker component is used to select the numbers of rows and columns in the table. Is used in the application ribbon.
CheckBox The CheckBox component is a checkbox used to indicate the state or to enable and disable some options. Component appearance changes as the user clicks the check box.
ColorCombo The ColorCombo component is a drop-down menu where the user selects color.
ColorPanel The ColorPanel component is a panel for color selection.
Combo The Combo component is an entry editor with the drop-down panel.
ComboBox The ComboBox component is a drop-down list.
DateTimeEdit The DateTimeEdit component is a date and time editor.
DateTimePicker The DateTimePicker component is an editor where the user can enter date and time, or select desired date from the calendar.
Dialog The Dialog component implements the dialog box.
DiscussMenu The DiscussMenu component is the Discuss menu, used to publish a link to a page in social networks.
DropPanel The DropPanel component is a drop-down panel with arbitrary content.
FileUpload The FileUpload component is an entry box and a button that enables the user to select file to load it to server.
FlexLayout The FlexLayout component is a flexible layout to place components inside the container.
FontBox The FontBox component is a control used to set up text options.
FontComboBox The FontComboBox component is a list to select font.
FontDialog The FontDialog component is a standard dialog box for font selection.
GradientSlider The GradientSlider component is the Slider component with gradient fill.
GridPanel The GridPanel component is a table which is the container for controls.
Hyperlink The Hyperlink component is a link.
IconListItem The IconListItem component is an item of a menu that consists of icons.
ImageList The ImageList non-visual component determines a link to a sprite (a set of images stored in the same file) and size of an image in the sprite.
InfoWindow The InfoWindow component is an information window.
Label The Label component is a label.
LayoutBox The LayoutBox component is a container in the form of table for items layout.
LineLabel The LineLabel component is a label with line.
MainMenu The MainMenu component is the main menu.
MainPanel The MainPanel component is a drop-down panel with menu.
MainPanelItem The MainPanelItem component is an item of the drop-down panel menu.
MaskEdit The MaskEdit component is an editor that allows the user to enter data in accordance with the predefined pattern.
Menu The Menu component is a context menu.
Message The Message component is a dialog box with icon.
MonthCalendar The MonthCalendar component is a calendar where the user can select date and time.
NumberEdit The NumberEdit component is a value editor that includes scroll buttons.
Panel The Panel component is a panel for items layout.
ProgressBar The ProgressBar component is a control used to visualize the progression of an extended computer operation.
RadioButton The RadioButton component is a switch used to select one value in a values group.
RangeSlider The RangeSlider component is the Slider component that enables to select a value range.
ScrollBar The ScrollBar component is a scrollbar. The component is used to view some content that does not fit container size.
ScrollBox The ScrollBox class implements horizontal and vertical scrollbars used to view the contents whose size is greater than the container size.
ShadowDropPanel The ShadowDropPanel component is a drop-down panel with shadow.
SlidePanel The SlidePanel component is a control that consists of the following linked panels: Header, Details, and View.
Slider The Slider component is a control that enables the user to select a value from the range by moving a slider along the container.
SpinEdit The SpinEdit component is an editor that contains scroll buttons.
SplitButton The SplitButton component is a composite button that consists of two parts: the upper part is a button with an image, and the lower part is a button with a drop-down menu.
Splitter The Splitter component is a splitter used to adjust panels positions relative to each other, hide panels and resize them.
Spoiler The Spoiler component is a drop-down panel with items.
StackPanel The StackPanel component is a container used to arrange elements one after another in a vertical column or a horizontal row.
TabControl The TabControl component is a control that contains several elements using the same workspace.
TabItem The TabItem component is a tab that is a child of the TabControl component.
TagCloud The TagCloud component is a tag cloud.
TagCloudItem The TagCloudItem component is an item of the tag cloud.
TextArea The TextArea component is a text area.
TextBox The TextBox component is a text box.
TextEditor The TextEditor component is a text editor.
ToolBar The ToolBar component is a toolbar. The toolbar houses buttons (instances of the ToolBarButton class) and separators (instances of the ToolBarSeparator class).
ToolBarButton The ToolBarButton component is a toolbar button.
ToolBarSeparator The ToolBarSeparator component is a separator between the toolbar items.
ToolTip The ToolTip component is a tooltip.
Waiter The Waiter component is a loading indicator.
Window The Window component is a window that can display arbitrary content.

See also:

DHTML Components