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Working with Time Series Analysis > Components > NavBreadcrumb > Example of Creating the NavBreadcrumb Component

Example of creating the NavBreadcrumb component

To execute the example, in the HEAD tag of the HTML page specify links to the following CSS and JS files:

This example requires a time series database with the 1334 key.

In the <body> tag as the value of the onLoad attribute specify name of the function executed after page body loading is finished:

<body onselectstart="return false" class="PPNoSelect" onload="Ready()">
	<div id='example'></div>

 At the end of the document insert a code that sets styles corresponding to client's operating system, to the document.body node:

<script type="text/javascript">

In the SCRIPT tag add the following script:

<script type="text/javascript">
		//Resources folder
        //List of used resources
        PP.resourceManager.setResourceList(['PP', 'Metabase', 'Ts', 'Express', 'TabSheetMaster', 'ChartMaster', 'TreeChartMaster', 'MapMaster', 'GaugeMaster']);
        // Determine language settings for resources
		// Declare constants
		var KEY = 1334; //document key
		var IMG_PATH = "../build/img/";  //path to icons folder		
		// Declare variables
		var waiter, metabase, hieService, hier, attrId, navBreadcrumb, navBreadcrumbItem;		
		//Function for getting handler functions
		//It gets additional information output to the console as a parameter on calling a handler.
		//It can be, for example, a string that contains class and event name
		function onDummyActionFactory(actionCaption){
			return function (sender, args){
		function Ready(){ //body loading event handler
			// Create loading indicator
			waiter = new PP.Ui.Waiter();
			// Create a repository connection
			metabase = new PP.Mb.Metabase({
				Id: "PPRepository",
				UserCreds: { UserName: "user", Password: "password" },
				StartRequest: function(){;},
				EndRequest: function(){waiter.hide();},
				Error: function (sender, args){alert(args.ResponseText);}
			// Open repository connection;			
			// Create a service used to work with time series database hierarchy
			hieService = new PP.TS.HieService({ Metabase: metabase });
			// Sends request for opening workbook hierarchy by the KEY key of factor directory
			hier = hieService.openFromRubKey(KEY, null, onHieOpened);
			//operation execution end handler
			function onHieOpened(sender, args)
				console.log("Get hierarchy attributes")
				attrs = hier.getAttributes();
				console.log("Get identifier by attribute the 0 index");
				attrId = attrs[0].id;
				// Create an instance of class component for displaying and controlling workbook attributes
				navBreadcrumb = new PP.TS.Ui.NavBreadcrumb({
					ImagePath: IMG_PATH, //path to icons folder
					Source: hier, //source(view property)
					Width: 302, //height
					Height: 500, //width
					ParentNode: "example" //DOM parent node
				// Get hierarchy			
				console.log("Refresh the entire component according to metadata");
				console.log("Refresh selection in dimension trees of all all attributes");
				console.log("Refresh element text of the NavBreadcrumb component according to attribute");
				// Link view event handlers
				navBreadcrumb.AltHierarchyChanged.add(onDummyActionFactory("Event of view of server alternative hierarchy change occurred"));
				navBreadcrumb.AttributeFilterChanged.add(onDummyActionFactory("Event of view of enable or disable attribute filter occurred"));
				navBreadcrumb.AttributeSortChanged.add(onDummyActionFactory("Event of view of changing dimension tree sorting occurred"));
				navBreadcrumb.DimSelectionChanged.add(onDummyActionFactory("Event of view of changing server selection change occurred"));
				navBreadcrumb.RequestMetadata.add(onDummyActionFactory("Event of view of metadata request occurred"));
				navBreadcrumb.RequestSelectedItemsChanged.add(onDummyActionFactory("Event of view of moving attributes in the NavBreadcrumb component occurred"));
				navBreadcrumb.TreeNameAttrChanged.add(onDummyActionFactory("Event of view of changing level name attribute occurred"));				
				console.log("Add a new component for displaying and controlling workbook attributes");
		// Function of adding a new component for displaying and controlling workbook attributes
		function addNewItem()
			// Class thet implements panels with attribute dimension tree
			// in the component for displaying and controlling workbook attributes
			navBreadcrumbItem = new PP.TS.Ui.NavBreadcrumbItem({
				Source: hier.getDim(hier.getAttributes()[0].k), //source (dimension)
				ViewType: PP.Ui.NavigationItem,
				Title: "New element", //title
				Tag: hier.getAttributes()[0].id,
				OwnerMaster: navBreadcrumb,
				ImageList: navBreadcrumb._ImageList
			//add panel to wizard
			//expand panel
			console.log("Get position index which contains dimension");
			var iPos = navBreadcrumbItem.getIndexPosition();
			console.log("Get whether attribute is selected");
			var isSelected = navBreadcrumbItem.getSelected();
			console.log("Get attribute dimension attribute located in the panel (PP.Mb.Ui.DimensionTree)");
			var dimTreeView = navBreadcrumbItem.getDimTreeView();

After executing the example the NavBreadcrumb component is placed in the HTML page. This component looks as follows:

On firing the events listed below:

the browser console will show the following messages:

Get hierarchy attributes

Get ID by attribute index 0


Refresh the component in accordance with metadata

Refresh selection in dimension trees of all attributes

Refresh text in the NavBreadcrumb component in accordance with the attribute

Add a new component to show and manage workbook attributes

Get index of dimension position


Get if the attribute is selected


Get attribute dimension tree shown in a panel (PP.Mb.Ui.DimensionTree)


A new panel named PP.Mb.Ui.DimensionTree is added to the component.