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Working with a Dimension > Classes > DimensionTree


Namespace: PP.Mb.Ui;

Inheritance hierarchy







The DimensionTree class implements the tree, which displays dictionary data.


PP.initClass(PP.Mb.Ui.DimensionTree, PP.Mb.Ui.DimTreeView, "DimensionTree");


  Property name Brief description

The Service property determines a service for working with the dimension, which data is shown in the tree.


  Method name Brief description
getDimTreeCtrl The getDimTreeCtrl method returns controller to work with platform dimensions.


   Event name Brief description
FormulaChanged The FormulaChanged event occurs after changing formula of the dictionary, which data is contained in the tree.

Properties inherited from the DimTreeView class

  Property name Brief description
ActiveGroupId The ActiveGroupId property sets identifier of the active group of dictionary elements.
ActiveSchemaId The ActiveSchemaId property sets active selection schema for dictionary elements by identifier.
AllowHasDataHighlight The AllowHasDataHighlight property determines whether tree elements with data are highlighted.
AutoLoad The AutoLoad property determines whether elements are automatically loaded on creating a tree.
ExpandToSelected The ExpandToSelected property determines whether the selected elements are expanded.
Filter The Filter property sets filter for dictionary tree elements.
FilterHighlight The FilterHighlight property determines whether the text to search is highlighted after tree elements are filtered.
HideShadedEls The HideShadedEls property determines whether not highlighted elements are hidden.
NameAttributeId The NameAttributeId property sets identifier of the attribute, which data contains names of dictionary elements.
SchemaApplyOnlyOnce The SchemaApplyOnlyOnce property determines whether a selection schema should be applied once after opening a report.
SelectedCount The SelectedCount property returns the number of selected dictionary elements.
SelectionMode The SelectionMode property determines a mode of selecting dictionary elements.
ShowAttributes The ShowAttributes property determines whether columns with dictionary attributes should be displayed.
Source The Source property determines the currently displayed dictionary.

Methods inherited from the DimTreeView class

  Method name Brief description
clear The clear method clears dictionary tree.
collapseAll The collapseAll method collapses all nodes of dictionary tree.
deselectAll The deselectAll method removes selection from all dictionary elements.
deSelectLevel The deSelectLevel method deselects all elements at the specified level.
expandAll The expandAll method expands all nodes of the dictionary tree.
getAllowEmptySelection The getAllowEmptySelection method determines whether it is possible to deselect in case of  single selection server data model.
getCurrentSortAtrId The getCurrentSortAtrId method returns identifier of the attribute, on which the sorting is based.
getLoadToFirstSelected The getLoadToFirstSelected method returns whether focus is set on the element stored in dimension metadata after tree loading or refreshing.
getNameAttrChildMenu The getNameAttrChildMenu method returns child menu of attributes of tree element names.
getNameAttrDelimiter The getNameAttrDelimiter method returns child menu of attributes of tree element names.
getNameAttributesId The getNameAttributesId method returns an array of identifiers of displayed attributes.
getPredefinedAttributeId The getPredefinedAttributeId method returns identifier of attribute by predefined identifier value.
getSelectedNodes The getSelectedNodes method returns an array of selected nodes' keys.
getSortType The getSortType method returns the sorting type.
getSyncDataSrv The getSyncDataSrv method returns whether selection is synchronized with the DimSource server data model.
isLoaded The isLoaded method checks if first level elements are loaded to the dimension.
loadFirst The loadFirst method is used for primary loading of dimension elements.
refresh The refresh method refreshes a tree node or the entire tree.
refreshAll The refreshAll method refreshes all structure of the tree.
refreshHighlighting The refreshHighlighting method sets highlighting for uploaded tree elements.
refreshSelection The refreshSelection method refreshes selection in the dimension.
selectAll The selectAll method selects all nodes of the dictionary tree.
selectByAttrs The selectByAttrs method selects tree elements that match value of the specified attribute.
selectGroupItems The selectGroupItems method selects group elements.
selectLevel The selectLevel method selects all elements at the specified level.
setChildNodes The setChildNodes method loads and renders child elements for the specified node.
setSelectedElems The setSelectedElems method selects the specified dictionary elements.
setFocusToElm The setFocusToElm method sets focus for the specified dictionary element in the tree.
sort The sort method sorts dictionary tree elements.

Events inherited from the DimTreeView class

   Event name Brief description
AttributeChanged The AttributeChanged event occurs after changing the attribute identifier, which data are names of dictionary elements.
BeforeRequestSelection The BeforeRequestSelection event occurs before changing tree elements selection.
ExpandedAll The ExpandedAll event occurs after expanding all tree nodes.
GroupChanging The GroupChanging event occurs during changing of active group of elements.
RequestChild The RequestChild event occurs if it is necessary to load child nodes.
Refreshed The Refreshed event occurs after refreshing tree elements.
RequestSelection The RequestSelection event occurs after changing selection in the dictionary tree.
SchemaChanged The SchemaChanged event occurs after changing active schema of elements selection.
SortChanged The SortChanged event occurs on changing the sorting method.

Properties inherited from the class Control

  Property name Brief description
Anchors The Anchors property determines position of the component placed within container.
Animation The Animation property sets animation parameters for component.
Bottom The Bottom property sets bottom offset on placing the component within the LayoutPanel.
Content The Content property sets the component contents.
ContextMenu The ContextMenu property sets the context menu for the component.
Data The Data property is used to store any custom data.
DataContext The DataContext property contains an object with data.
Enabled The Enabled property sets whether the component is enabled.
Height The Height property determines the component height.
IsResizable The IsResizable property determines whether the component can be resized.
IsRTL The lsRTL property sets right to left text direction.
IsVisible The IsVisible property determines whether the component is displayed.
Left The Left property sets left offset on placing the component within the GridPanel.
Offset The Offset property determines coordinates of root DOM node of a control.
Opacity The Opacity property determines component transparency.
Parent The Parent property determines a parent component of a control.
ParentNode The ParentNode property sets parent DOM node.
ResourceKey The ResourceKey property sets the resource key for the component.
Right The Right property sets right offset on placing the component within the LayoutPanel.
Rotate The Rotate property sets component rotation angle.
ShowToolTip The ShowToolTip property determines whether the tooltip of the component can be displayed.
Style The Style property sets component style.
TabIndex The TabIndex property sets the order of the control element passing inside the container.
Tag The Tag property sets JSON object associated with the component.
ToolTip The ToolTip property determines text of component tooltip.
Top The Top property sets top offset on placing the component within the GridPanel.
Value The Value property sets the value to the component.
Width The Width property sets the component width.

Methods inherited from the class Control

  Method name Brief description
The addClass method adds a CSS class to the component.
addEvent The addEvent method adds an event handler to a DOM node.
addEventHandler The addEventHandler method adds an event handler to a DOM node.
addEvents The addEvents method adds an array of event handlers to a DOM node.
The addStateClass method adds a CSS class to the component and removes the previous CSS class.
addStyleBySelector The addStyleBySelector method creates a block that contains a style with the specified CSS selector.
The addToNode method adds a component to the specified node.
bindEvents The bindEvents method subscribes an element to all available events.
The clearStylesCache method clears cache of component styles.
The getAnchorFlags method returns JSON object that contains settings of the current component's position.
The getClass method returns the current CSS classes of the component.
The getCssStyle method returns style for the specified node.
The getDomNode method returns main DOM node of the component.
The getFocused method determines whether the component is focused.
getFunctionByName The getFunctionByName method returns function by name.
getIsBinded The getIsBinded method returns whether an element is subscribed to all DOM node events.
The hasClass method determines whether the specified CSS class is set for root DOM node of the control.
The hide method hides a control.
The hideToolTip method clears tooltip timeout and hides the tooltip if it is displayed.
The isResingNow method determines whether the component is being resized.
refreshBindingProperty The refreshBindingProperty method refreshes the bound property by name.
refreshItemsStyle The refreshItemsStyle method refreshes CSS styles of child elements.
refreshStyle The refreshStyle method refreshes element CSS styles.
The removeClass method removes CSS class from the component.
The removeEvent method removes event handler from DOM node.
removeEventHandler The removeEventHandler method removes event handler from DOM node.
removeFromDOM The removeFromDOM method removes node from the DOM structure.
The removeStateClasses method removes CSS classes of the component.
The setDraggable method determines whether it is possible to drag component on the HTML page.
The setFocus method sets the component focus.
The setIsHovered method displays the component as on hover.
The setIsPressed method displays the component as if clicked upon.
The setOpacityIE8 method sets component transparency value in Internet Explorer 8.
The setSize method establishes the sizes of the component.
The show method displays a control.
unBindEvents The unBindEvents method unsubscribes an element from all standard events.
The updatePosition method updates size and position when absolute positioning based on the current parameters is used.
The updateSize method updates the component size on changing the size of the container that contains the component.

Events inherited from the class Control

  Event name Brief description
Drag The Drag event occurs on clicking and holding the left mouse button.
DragEnd The DragEnd event occurs when dragging the component finishes.
DragStart The DragStart event occurs when dragging the component starts.
OnContextMenu The OnContextMenu event occurs on calling context menu of the component.
SizeChanged The SizeChanged event occurs after the component is resized.
SizeChanging The SizeChanging event occurs during component resize.

Properties inherited from the class Object

  Property name Brief description


The Id property determines a repository object identifier.

Methods inherited from the class Object

  Method name Brief description
clone The clone method creates an object copy.
dispose The dispose method deletes the component.
getHashCode The getHashCode method returns hash code of repository object.
getSettings The getSettings method returns repository object settings.
getTypeName The getTypeName method returns the name of the object type without the namespace, to which it belongs.
isEqual The isEqual method determines whether the specified object is equal to the current repository object.
isLive The isLive method determines validity of repository object.
removeAllEvents The removeAllEvents method removes all object event handlers by the specified context.
setSettings The setSettings method determines repository object settings.
defineProps The defineProps method creates get and set methods from name array for the specified class.
keys The keys method returns array of methods and properties names for the specified object.

See also:
