Working with Time Series Analysis > PP.TS.Ui > Classes > ValidationSettingsDialog > ValidationSettingsDialog.getTrendWizard
The getTrendWizard method returns the data validation wizard that validates data by comparing time series trends.
This method returns an object of the PP.TS.Ui.TrendWizard type.
Executing this example requires the ValidationSettingsDialog component named validationSettingsDialog (see Example of creating the ValidationSettingsDialog component). Show data validation wizard that compares time series trends:
/* Get wizard for validation by comparing time series trends */ var trendWizard = validationSettingsDialog.getTrendWizard(); // Get DOM tree for this wizard var dom = trendWizard.getDomNode(); // Set wizard style PP.addClass(dom, "PPValidationSettingsDlgContent"); // Make wizard visible; // Add the obtained wizard to the dialog var dialog = new PP.Ui.Dialog({ Caption: "Trend comparison", // Dialog title Content: trendWizard, Width: 735, // Dialog width Height: 150 // Dialog height }); // Display this dialog; // Get breadcrumb by object in the wizard var breadcrumb = trendWizard._Breadcrumb; /* Hide and display again breadcrumb for its correct displaying */ breadcrumb.hide();;
After executing the example the created dialog box shows wizard that validates data by comparing time series trends:
See also: