Working with Time Series Analysis > Components > ValidationSettingsDialog > Example of Creating the ValidationSettingsDialog Component
To execute the example, the HTML page must contain the WorkbookBox component named workbookBox (see Example of Creating the WorkbookBox Component). Create the ValidationSettingsDialog component and show it in workbook:
// Get workbook model var workbook = workbookBox.getSource(); // Get the Data tab on the workbook tool ribbon var dataCategory = workbookBox.getRibbonView().getDataCategory(); // Determine callback function var onRequestMetadata = function (sender, args) { console.log("Request metadata...");, args); }; // Create a dialog for creating a group of rules var validationSettingsDialog = new PP.TS.Ui.ValidationSettingsDialog({ /* Set resource key for displaying dialog title*/ ResourceKey: "TSRibbonValidationSettingsDialog", Source: workbook, // Set data source RequestMetadata: new PP.Delegate(this.onRequestMetadata, dataCategory) }); // Display this dialog;
After executing the example the ValidationSettingsDialog component was created and displayed:
The RequestMetadata event is fired on component creation, and the browser console displays an appropriate notice on processing this event:
Request metadata...
See also: