Working with Time Series Analysis > PP.TS.Ui > Classes > ValidationSettingsDialog > ValidationSettingsDialog.getMissingDataWizard
The getMissingDataWizard method get the Missing Data validation type.
This method returns a PP.TS.Ui.MissingDataWizard value.
Executing this example requires the ValidationSettingsDialog component named validationSettingsDialog (see Example of creating the ValidationSettingsDialog component). Show the Missing Data validation wizard in a specific dialog box:
// Get wizard for the Missing Data validation type var missingDataWizard = validationSettingsDialog.getMissingDataWizard(); // Get DOM tree for this wizard var dom = missingDataWizard.getDomNode(); // Set wizard style PP.addClass(dom, "PPValidationSettingsDlgContent"); // Make wizard visible; // Add the obtained wizard to the dialog var dialog = new PP.Ui.Dialog({ Caption: "Missing data", Content: missingDataWizard, Width: 500 // Dialog width }); // Display this dialog;
After executing the example the Missing Data data validation wizard is shown in the created dialog box:
See also: