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Working with Time Series Analysis > PP.TS.Ui > Classes > MetaHierarchy > MetaHierarchy.setSort



setSort (metaAttrId, isActive, desc, dimAttrId);


metaAttrId. Metaattribute identifier.

isActive. Determines whether to enable sorting: if this parameter is True sorting is enabled, if it is False sorting is disabled.

desc. Sorting: True - descending sorting, False - ascending sorting, null - default.

dimAttrId. Identifier of dimension attribute, by value of which the data is to be sorted.


The setSort method sets sorting in the series tree.


To execute the example, create a service for working with time series, get a workbook instance from the time series database (see MetaHierarchy.ChildEls) and add the following code in the handler that processes document opening:

console.log("Set sorting in series tree");
hie.setSort("DL", True, True, 1);

After executing the example sorting is set for the series tree in browser console.

See also:
