Working with Time Series Analysis > PP.TS.Ui > Classes > MetaHierarchy > MetaHierarchy.ChildEls
ChildEls: Object;
The ChildEls property gets object children by specified key.
To execute the example, in the HEAD tag of the HTML page specify links to the following CSS and JS files:
A time series database with the 112 key must be available.
In the <body> tag as the value of the onLoad attribute specify name of the function executed after page body loading is finished:
<body onload="Ready()"> <div id='example'></div> </body>
In the SCRIPT tag add the following script:
<script type="text/javascript"> var metabase, hieSrv, hie; PP.ImagePath = "../Debug/img/"; PP.ScriptPath = "../Debug/"; PP.CSSPath = "../Debug/"; function Ready() //body loading event handler { metabase = new PP.Mb.Metabase({ Id: "PPRepository", UserCreds: { UserName: "user", Password: "password" }, Error: function (sender, args){alert(args.ResponseText);} }); // Open repository connection; hieSrv = new PP.TS.HieService({ Metabase: metabase }); // Open time series database by its identifier and set callback, null, 1334, new PP.Delegate(onOpened)); function onOpened (d, res) { console.log(hieSrv); console.log(res); console.log("Get instance of metadata hierarchy"); hie = res.Args.Hier; console.log(hie); //Send a request for getting child elements hieSrv.getChildEls(hie, "", function(sender, res){ console.log("Response for requesting child elements is received"); console.log(res); }); } } </script>
After executing the example the browser console displays JSON objects of metadata hierarchy instance and object children by specified key.
PP.TS.MetaHierarchy {_RubricatorKey: 1334, _RubInstanceId: null,_WorkbookInstanceId: null, _FilterFacts: Array[0], _Metabase: PP.Mb.Metabase…}
The value undefined indicates that the received object has no children
See also: