Working with Time Series Analysis > PP.TS.Ui > Classes > MetaHierarchy > MetaHierarchy.setAttrProperty
setAttrProperty (attrId, propName, propValue);
attrId. Attribute identifier.
propName. Property name.
propValue. Property values.
The setAttrProperty method sets value for attribute property by its ID.
To execute the example, create a service for working with time series, get a workbook instance from the time series database (see MetaHierarchy.ChildEls). An attribute with the identifier DL must be also available, and the following code should be added in the handler that processes document opening:
//Search at all levels the attribute with the attrId identifier and set the propValue value for for its property named propName hie.setAttrProperty( "DL", "isLeaf", true);
After executing the example the isLeaf property is set to True for the attribute with the ID DL: that is. the specified level is a leaf level.
See also: