Working with Time Series Analysis > PP.TS.Ui > Classes > MetaHierarchy > MetaHierarchy.getDimOdId
getDimOdId (value);
value. Sets dimension key.
The getDimOdId method returns object containing dimension moniker by dimension key.
A dimension with the 0 key must be available to execute this example. You need to create a service for working with time series, get a workbook instance from time series database, get an instance of metadata hierarchy named hie (see MetaHierarchy.ChildEls) and add the following code in the handler that processes document opening:
console.log("Get an object that contains dimension moniker by dimension key"); var dimOdId = hie.getDimOdId(0); console.log(dimOdId);
After executing the example the browser console displays the object that contains dimension moniker:
See also: