Working with Time Series Analysis > PP.TS.Ui > Classes > MetaAttributeBreadCrumbView > MetaAttributeBreadCrumbView.TreeNameAttrChanged
TreeNameAttrChanged : function (sender, args);
sender. Event source.
args. Event information.
The TreeNameAttrChanged event is fired after changing type of names for dimension elements' levels.
To execute the example, create the MetaAttributeBreadCrumb component named metaAttributeBreadCrumb, and add the following code in the event handler that processes document opening:
metaAttributeBreadCrumb.TreeNameAttrChanged.add(onDummyActionFactory("Attribute change event occurred"));
After executing the example the TreeNameAttrChanged event handler is added. To fire this event, select a new type of level names for one of the dimension elements (context menu item for value of the Level Names attribute), and the browser console will show an appropriate message.
See also: