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Working with Time Series Analysis > Components > MetaAttributeBreadCrumb > Example of Creating the MetaAttributeBreadCrumb Component

Example of Creating the MetaAttributeBreadCrumb Component

To execute the example, create an HTML page, and in the HEAD tag add links to the following JS files:

And the following CSS files:

A workbook with the 5183 key must be also available.

In the SCRIPT tag add the following script:

// Set locale for resources
// Declare constants
var KEY = 5183; //document key
var IMG_PATH = "build/img/"; //path to icons folder
// Declare variables
var waiter, metabase, tsService, wbk, workbookBox, metabase, waiter;
//Function for getting handler functions
//It gets information in the console as a parameter
//on calling a handler.
//This must be, for example, a string that contains class and event names
function onDummyActionFactory(actionCaption) {
    return function (sender, args) {
function Ready() //body loading event handler
    // Create loading indicator
    waiter = new PP.Ui.Waiter();
    // Create a repository connection
    metabase = new PP.Mb.Metabase({
        Id: "PPRepository",
        UserCreds: {
            UserName: "user",
            Password: "password"
        StartRequest: function () {
        EndRequest: function () {
        Error: function (sender, args) {
    // Open repository connection;
    // Create a service used to work with time series
    tsService = new PP.TS.TSService({
        Metabase: metabase
    // Open document
    wbk = tsService.editDocument(KEY, onFirstOpened);
    // Document open event handler
    function onFirstOpened(sender, args) {
        //Get settings of initial breadcrumb view
        var xml = wbk.getActiveSheet().getWbkMetadata()[0].hierAttrs;
        //Get metadata hierarchy
        var hierarchy = wbk.getHier();
        //Create a component for displaying and controlling workbook attributes, based
        // on the PP.Ui.Breadcrumb component
        var  metaAttributeBreadCrumb = new PP.TS.Ui.MetaAttributeBreadCrumb({
            ParentNode: "example", //DOM parent node
            Options: new PP.TS.MetaAttrBrCrOptionParser({
                XML: xml
            }), //Settings of initial
            Hierarchy: hierarchy, //source
            Width: 500, //width
            Height: 100, //height
            ImagePath: IMG_PATH, //path to icons path
            IsRTL: False // indicates whether text is directed from right to left
            ItemsCaptionType: PP.TS.BreadcrumbItemCaptionType.SelectedNames // Text type of breadcrumb element

In the <body> tag as the value of the onLoad attribute specify name of the function executed after page body loading is finished:

<body onload="Ready()">
    <div id='example'>

At the end of the document insert a code that sets styles corresponding to client's operating system, to  the document.body node:

<script type="text/javascript">

After executing the example the MetaAttributeBreadCrumb component is added to the HTML page. This component looks as follows:

If several elements are selected for the breadcrumb factor, the corresponding text in brackets will contain names of the first and the last elements, as well as the total number of selected items. For example, the Country factor will have the following text:

Country(American Samoa..Angolaa(2))

See also:

DHTML Components