Working with Time Series Analysis > PP.TS.Ui > Classes > MetaAttributeBreadCrumbView > MetaAttributeBreadCrumbView.AttributeSortChanged
AttributeSortChanged: function (sender, args);
sender. Event source.
args. Event information.
The AttributeSortChanged event is fired after sorting mode in the attribute is changed.
To execute the example, create the MetaAttributeBreadCrumb component named metaAttributeBreadCrumb (see Example of Creating the MetaAttributeBreadCrumb Component), and the following code must be added in the event handler that processes document opening:
metaAttributeBreadCrumb.AttributeSortChanged.add(onDummyActionFactory("Attribute sorting is changed"));
After executing the example the AttributeSortChanged event handler is added. To fire the event, change sorting in event attribute, after that an appropriate message appears in the browser console.
See also: