Working with Regular Report > PP.Prx.Ui > Classes > AdvAnalyticsCatView > AdvAnalyticsCatView.getCanGetWbk
The getCanGetWbk method determines whether the functions requiring a time series database are available.
The returned value depends on the selected cell, if the selected cell is loaded from time series databases, the method returns True, and the functions for working with a workbook and validation are available.
To execute this example, the HTML page must contain the ReportBox component named reportBox (see Example of the ReportBox Component Layout). Open the Advanced Analytics tab in the report and enter the following code in the console:
// Get tool ribbon ribbon = reportBox.getRibbonView(); // Get the Advanced Analytics tab analyticCat = ribbon.getAnalyticsCategory(); // Get availability of functions for working with a time series database analyticCat.getCanGetWbk(); // -> false
After executing the example the availability of functions for working with a time series database is determined.
See also: