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Working with Regular Report > PP.Prx.Ui



Namespace contains classes to work with the regular report.


  Class name Brief description
AdvAnalyticsCatView The AdvAnalyticsCatView class implements view of the Advanced Analytics tool ribbon tab.
ComboBoxControlView The ComboBoxControlView class implements the view of the dropdown list which is the regular report control.
ControlBar The ControlBar class implements the ControlBar component, represented by the control bar of the regular report.
ControlBarView The ControlBarView class implements the view of the regular report controls.
DataArea The DataArea class implements the DataArea component, represented by the data area of the regular report.
DataAreaView The DataAreaView class implements data area view of the regular report.
DataSaveDialog The DataSaveDialog class implements the dialog box to save report.
DateTimePickerControlView The DateTimePickerControlView class implements view of the date and time editor, that is a regular report control.
DimComboControlView The DimComboControlView class implements view of dimension elements drop-down menu, that is a regular report control.
EmfExportDialog The EmfExportDialog class implements the dialog box of the report in the *.emf format.
ExportDialog The PP.Prx.Ui.ExportDialog class implements dialog box for regular report export.
GridBox The GridBox class implements the GridBox component represented by the regular report table.
GridView The GridView class is the parent class of the GridBox component.
HtmlExportDialog The HtmlExportDialog class implements the dialog box to export the regular report to the *.html format.
MaskEditControlView The MaskEditControlView class implements view of the mask editor, that is a regular report control.
MhtExportDialog The MhtExportDialog class implements dialog box used to export a report to *.mht.
NumberEditControlView The NumberEditControlView class implements view of the value editor, that is a regular report control.
ParamsDialog The ParamsDialog class implements a dialog box for setting report parameter values.
PdfExportDialog The PdfExportDialog class implements dialog box used to export a report to *.pdf.
PrxChartView The PrxChartView class implements view of regular report chart.
PrxControl The PrxControl class implements view of a regular report control.
PrxDocument The PrxDocument class implements view of regular report text sheet.
PrxMapView The PrxMapView class implements view of regular report map.
ReportBox The ReportBox class implements container to display the regular report.
ReportView The ReportView class implements the regular report view.
RibbonView The RibbonView class implements the tool ribbon of the regular report.
RtfExportDialog The RtfExportDialog class implements dialog box used to export a report to *.rtf.
SimpleControlView The SimpleControlView class implements view of the CheckBox, EditBox and IdentEdit components, that are regular report controls.
TimePickerControlView The TimePickerControlView class implements the time editor which is the regular report control.
TreeComboControlView The TreeComboControlView class implements the hierarchical dropdown list which is the control for the regular report.
XlsExportDialog The XlsExportDialog class implements dialog box used to export a report to *.xls.


  Class name Brief description
DataSaveDlgMode The DataSaveDlgMode enumeration contains modes to display the dialog box of the regular report data saving.
RibbonProperty The RibbonProperty enumeration contains properties of regular report ribbon.
SelectionMode The SelectionMode enumeration contains selection modes in regular report controls.

See also:

Class Library