Working with Repository > PP.Mb.Ui > Classes > NavigatorRibbon > NavigatorRibbon.ChangedPassword
ChangedPasswordClick: function (sender, args)
sender. Event source.
args. Event information.
The ChangedPasswordClick event occurs after filling the fields and clicking the OK button in the password change dialog box.
The password change dialog box opens on executing the Service > Change password... item.
To execute the example, the HTML page must contain the Navigator component named nav (see Example of Creating the Navigator Component). Add a handler of the ChangedPasswordClick event for the navigator tool ribbon:
var ribbon = nav._Ribbon; ribbon.ChangedPasswordClick.add(function () { cpd = ribbon.getChangePassDialog(); console.log("New password: " + cpd.getNewPass() + "; Old password: " + cpd.getOldPass() + "; Confirm password: " + cpd.getConfirmPass()) });
After executing the example open the password change dialog box. Fill in all boxes in the dialog box and click OK. The browser console displays a message that contains the entered data, for example:
New password: new; Old password: old; Confirm password: new
See also: