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Working with Repository > PP.Mb.Ui > Classes > ElsFilter > ElsFilter.IncludeParents



IncludeParents: Boolean;


The IncludeParents property determines including of the parent elements to filtering result.


Property value is set from JSON. Property value is returned by the getIncludeParents() method.


To execute the example, the HTML page must contain the ExpressBox component named expressBox (see Example of Creating the ExpressBox Component). A calendar dimension tab must be selected on the side panel, set text filter for dimension:

// Get side panel
PropBar = expressBox.getPropertyBarView();
// Get side panel control
Control = PropBar.getControl();
// Get side panel tab
Panel = Control.getActiveItem();
// Get view of dimension element tree
TreeV = Panel.getDimTreeView();
// Set filter by the NAME attribute
TreeV.setTextFilter("2000", ["NAME"], True, True);
// Get dimension filter
Filter = TreeV.getCurrentFilter();
// Get and output to the console different filter parameters
console.debug("Filtering parameters:\nInclude parents: " + Filter.getIncludeParents() +
"\nInclude parents and neighbors: " + Filter.getIncludeParentsWithSiblings() + 
"\nSearch by identifiers: " + Filter.getTextAttributes() + 
"\nMatch case: " + Filter.getTextCaseSensitive() + 
"\nFiltering by string: " + Filter.getTextValue() + 
"\nSearch by whole words: " + Filter.getTextWholeWordsOnly()
// Get a handler of JSON generation
// Generate filtering parameters as a JSON object
console.debug(JSON.stringify(Filter.getFilterJSON(), null, 2));
// Get and set hash string of filtering parameters
cHash = Filter.getHash();
// Check if custom hash was set
console.debug(Filter.isCustomHash() ? "Custom hash is set" : "Hash is calculated from parameters");

After executing the example dimension filter is set, the console displays various filtering parameters.

See also:
