Working with Repository > PP.Mb > Classes > DataImportService > DataImportService.launchImport
launchImport (cubeImport, settings)
cubeImport. Import model.
settings. JSON object containing settings.
The launchImport method starts data import with specified settings.
This method is fired on clicking the Done button in the last page of the data import wizard.
To execute the example, the page must contain ImportDataWizard component named importDataWizard and a service for working with data import named dataImportService (see Example of creating the ImportDataWizard component). Start the import process using the settings selected on wizard's pages:
cubeImp = importDataWizard.getCubeImport()
dataImportService.launchImport(cubeImp, importDataWizard.getWizardSettings())
See also: