Questions and Answers > Connecting Dashboard Plugin in the Web Application
A plugin is a separately written block that can be connected to a dashboard.
On working with plugins in the desktop application, units written in the Fore language are used. To work in the web application, a plugin must be written on JavaScript.
Plugins are registered in general repository parameters and refer to the Fore unit for working in the desktop application and to the script for working in the web application.
To connect a plugin in the web application:
Create a *.js file of plugin taking into account JS script.
Add the *.js plugin to the web application root folder, for example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Foresight\Foresight Analytics Platform 9 Web Application\plugins.
Connect plugin via the PP.xml file
Connect plugin via the Kap.regPluginBlock registration method
NOTE. If the Kap.regPluginBlock registration method is used, the plugin is connected during method call, otherwise it is connected on system login.
After executing the operations the plugin is registered in the web application:
Stand-alone registration. If the plugin is connected via repository or the PP.xml file, the manual registration block is located in the plugin file. The plugin is registered on opening a dashboard.
Custom registration. If the plugin is connected via the Kap.regPluginBlock registration method, the self-registration block is not included in the connected plugin file. The plugin is registered on calling the Kap.regPluginBlock method.
Plugins are displayed in the drop-down menu of the Plugins button on the dashboard ribbon.
When writing a plugin and new classes follow code writing recommendations.
Plugin JS script structure:
// Set self-registration block
(function ()
if (window.Kap)
Id: "MyLabel", //id, by which plugin block is linked with its implementation
Name: "MyLabelText", //block type name
View: "PP.Ui.Dashboard.MyLabel", //visualizer class or visualizer class name
Icon: "../build/img/app/MainIcon.png", //path to icon (16*16) for plugin, optional parameter
SourceClass: PP.Mb.MetabaseObjectClass.KE_CLASS_EXPRESSREPORT, // type or code of data source class
Js: "../plugins/MyLabel.js", //for dynamic script loading with plugin implementation, optional parameter
Master: "PP.Ui.MyMaster", //master class or master class name
Props: { // additional plugin parameters for setting default values, optional parameter
pluginProps: {}
if (!PP.Ui.MyLabel)
PP.Ui.MyLabel = {};
PP.initNamespace(PP.Ui.MyLabel, "PP.Ui.MyLabel");
// Create a prototype of custom visualizer for registered block
PP.Ui.MyLabel = function(settings) {
this._Source = null;
this._bgFlag = false;
this.PropertyChanged = new PP.Delegate();
this.Refreshed = new PP.Delegate();
PP.Ui.MyLabel.base.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
PP.initClass(PP.Ui.MyLabel, PP.Ui.Label, "PP.Ui.MyLabel");
PP.Ui.MyLabel.prototype._propertyChangedFire = function () {;
PP.Ui.MyLabel.prototype._refreshedFire = function () {
console.log("My Label Refreshed");;
// If plugin must work with data source,
// set data source for visualizer, which is opened in dashboard
PP.Ui.MyLabel.prototype.setSource = function(source) {
this._Source = source;
this.setContent("Source loaded: " + this._Source.getId());
// If plugin must support stored properties, set the setProps and getProps methods
PP.Ui.MyLabel.prototype.setProps = function(value) { // method for setting stored block properties
if (value) {
var props = JSON.parse(value);
this._bgFlag = props.bgFlag ? props.bgFlag : false;
} else {
this._bgFlag = false;
PP.Ui.MyLabel.prototype.getProps = function() { //method providing properties to store for dashboard
var props = {
bgFlag: this._bgFlag
return JSON.stringify(props);
PP.Ui.MyLabel.prototype.refresh = function() { = this._bgFlag ? "green" : "transparent";
PP.Ui.MyLabel.prototype.refreshAll = function () { // method is called on data block refresh
PP.Ui.MyLabel.prototype.setWidth = function () {
if (this._Instance) this._redraw();
PP.Ui.MyLabel.prototype.setHeight = function () {
if (this._Instance) this._redraw();
// If plugin must have own context menu, set the getContextMenu method
PP.Ui.MyLabel.prototype.getContextMenu = function() {
var _DataView = this;
var menu = new PP.Ui.Menu({
Items : [ {
MenuItem : {
Id : "pluginMenuItem",
Content : "plugin menu item",
Checked : _DataView._bgFlag,
CheckedChanged : function(sender, args) {
_DataView._bgFlag = sender.getChecked();
return menu;
// Create a master prototype for registered block
PP.Ui.MyMaster = function(settings) {
PP.Ui.MyMaster.base.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
var myPanel = new PP.Ui.MasterPanel(
Id: "MyPluginMaster",
ViewType: PP.Ui.NavigationItem,
Content: "Plugin settings...",
Title: "My plugin master"
myPanel.getHeaderControl().CheckedChanged.add(this._onPropsChanged, this);
PP.initClass(PP.Ui.MyMaster, PP.Ui.Master, "PP.Ui.MyMaster");
// If plugin must display additional side panel tabs with plugin settings,
// set implementation of the setDataView(view) method, where view - plugin visualizer instance.
// Additionally set the Master property in registration block
PP.Ui.MyMaster.prototype.setDataView = function(view) {
this._DataView = view;
for (var i = 0; i < this.getItems().length; i++) {
var item = this.getItem(i);
if (item.getId() === "MyPluginMaster") {
item.setTitle("My plugin master. Data view type: " + view.getTypeName());
if (view._bgFlag) {
item.getHeaderControl().setChecked(view._bgFlag, false);
PP.Ui.MyMaster.prototype._onPropsChanged = function(sender, args) {
this._DataView._bgFlag = args.CheckedState;
See also:
Code Writing Recommendations | Registering Plugin in the Desktop Application