Working with Common Classes > Classes > ResourceManager > ResourceManager.String
String: String;
The String property determines string for specified language, resource key and field name.
Property value is set with the setString method. The following parameters need to be specified: value - string value, culture - a PP.CultureInfo object, resourceKey - resource key, fieldName - field name or array of names. Property value cannot be set from JSON.
The getString method is used to get the value. This method requires two parameters - fieldName and resourceKey, or only the resourceKey parameter to be defined.
Before executing the example start the script given in the page with description of the ResourceManager.RootResourcesFolder property. Get strings using resource keys login, dateTimeEditMonthNames1, ExpressPropertyBubbleChart for Russian and English languages, process the StartupSetLoaded event by executing the following example in the browser console:
// Process the StartupSetLoaded event PP.resourceManager.StartupSetLoaded.add(function (sender, args) { console.log("All resources files for current language are connected"); }); // Set custom resources PP.resourceManager.setString("User name",, "login"); PP.resourceManager.setStrings([ ["User name", PP.Cultures.en, "login"] ]); console.log("Current language - Russian"); // Set Russian as a current language PP.setCurrentCulture(; // Get name of the "Login" field by the "login" resource key console.log(PP.resourceManager.getString("login")); // Resources from the file console.log(PP.resourceManager.getString("dateTimeEditMonthNames1")); // Resources from the file console.log(PP.resourceManager.getString("Content", "ExpressPropertyBubbleChart")); console.log(""); console.log("Current language - English"); // Set English as a current language PP.setCurrentCulture(PP.Cultures.en); // Get name of the "Login" field by the "login" resource key console.log(PP.resourceManager.getString("login")); // Resources from the file PP.resources.en.js console.log(PP.resourceManager.getString("dateTimeEditMonthNames1")); // Resources from the file Express.resources.en.js console.log(PP.resourceManager.getString("Content", "ExpressPropertyBubbleChart"));
After executing the example the browser console displays strings by resource keys login, dateTimeEditMonthNames1, ExpressPropertyBubbleChart for Russian and English languages and also the notifications that all resource files to output after changing the current language, are connected:
Current language - Russian
All resource files for the current language are linked
User name
Bubble chart
Current language - English
All resource files for the current language are linked
User name
Bubble chart
See also: