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Working with Common Classes > Classes > AppConfig



The PP.AppConfig class is a static class that contains settings of Foresight Analytics Platform web application.


This class settings can be determined in the PP.xml file.


Field name Brief description Value
AppConfig The AppConfig class contains settings of Foresight Analytics Platform web application specified in the PP.xml file. JSON object.
Chart The Chart box contains charts settings in Foresight Analytics Platform web application. Value - JSON object with charts settings.
Cultures The Cultures field contains a list of available languages, into which web application interface is translated. Value - array of element of the PP.CultureNames enumeration.
DiscussConfig The DiscussConfig field contains settings of the Share drop-down menu.

Value - JSON object with the following properties:

  • EnableResize. It determines whether the drop-down menu can be resized (true - can be resized, false - cannot be resized).

  • FacebookItem. Settings of the Facebook menu item:

    • ColumnIndex/RowIndex. Index of the column or row that contains icon for menu item in the sprite.

    • Data. Menu item name.

    • ResourceKey. Resource key.

    • Visible. It determines menu item visibility (true - visible, false - invisible).

    • FocusOnOpen. It determines whether menu item is focused on opening (true - visible, false - invisible).

  • GooglePlusItem. Settings of the GooglePlus menu item. They are identical to settings of FacebookItem (see above).

  • Items. Array of menu items.

  • LinkedInItem. Settings of the LinkedIn menu item. They are identical to settings of FacebookItem (see above).

  • LiveJournalItem. Settings of the LiveJournal menu item. They are identical to settings of FacebookItem (see above).

  • TwitterItem. Settings of the LiveJournal menu item. They are identical to settings of FacebookItem (see above).

Export The Export field contains options of report export to external formats.

Value - JSON object with the following properties:

  • HiddenFormats. Export formats,  that will be hidden in the main tools menu

  • DisabledFormats. Export formats,  that will not be available in the main tools menu.

Export formats are specified via comma.

Metabase The Metabase field contains repository settings.

Value - JSON object with the following properties:

  • Authentication. Authentication type:

    • Login. Enter via login dialog box, used by default.

    • Domain. Login via the domain authorization.

    • IntegratedDomain. Login via the integrated domain authorization.

    • OAuth. Login via OAuth protocols 1.1 and 2.0.

    • SAML2. Login via SAML2 protocol.

  • Id. Repository identifier.

  • RecentObjects. It determines whether a section with links to recently opened objects is displayed on the welcome screen (true - displayed, false - not displayed).

  • Waiter. Object with settings of loading indicator:

    • Enabled. Indicates whether indicator is enabled.

    • Show. Delay before displaying, ms.

    • Hide. Delay after request execution, ms.

Modules The Modules field contains web application unit settings.

Value - JSON object with the following properties:

  • Dashboard. Settings of the Dashboards tool

  • LoginForm. Login dialog box settings.

  • Modeling. Modeling tool settings.

  • Navigator. Object navigator settings.

  • Olap. Settings of the Analytical Queries (OLAP) tool

  • Rds. MDM dictionaries settings.

  • Reporter. Regular reports tool settings.

  • Scorecard. Scorecards settings.

  • TimeSeries. Time series analysis tool settings.

  • WelcomeScreen. Welcome screen settings.

The following settings are available for all units:

  • ClassId. Object class identifier.

  • ColumnIndex/RowIndex. Index of the column or row that contains icon for menu item in the sprite.

  • Name. Unit name.

  • ResourceKey. Resource key for unit name.

  • Url. Unit HTML page unit.

  • Visible. Unit visibility (true - visible, false - invisible).

The Olap, Scorecard, TimeSeries units can have the enabled property; independently on this property value the units can be inserted into a dashboard.

NOTE. To know unit name, you can use the PP.App.getActiveModule method.

OAuthService The OAuthService field contains the OAuth service that is used for authorization (in case of authorization via Twitter).

Value - JSON object with the following properties:

  • Enabled. It determines whether  OAuth service is used for authorization (true - used, false - not used).

SAMLUrl The SAMLUrl field contains identification provider URL according to SAML 2.0 protocol.


Service The Service field contains BI server settings.

Value - JSON object with the following properties:

  • PPServiceUrl. BI server URL.

SourceTypes The SourceTypes field contains types of data sources available in the web application.

Value - JSON object with the following properties:

  • Items. Array of data sources that can be used in the web application.

TabSheet The TabSheet field contains table settings in the web application.

Value - JSON object with table settings.

See also:

PP | PP.xml | PP.Ui.ConfigClass