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Working with Graphic Elements > Classes > ConfigClass > ConfigClass.setChart



setChart (value: JSON);


value. JSON object that contains table parameters.


The setChart method sets chart parameters.


The method returns a JSON object with the following fields:

Field name Type Brief description
Animation Boolean Determines whether series animation is used on rebuilding the chart. Available Values:
  • true. Animation is enabled.

  • false. Animation is disabled (default).

ShowLoadConfirm Boolean Determines whether to show a notice concerning possible time-consuming load, if the chart contains a large amount of points. Available Values:
  • true. Warning is shown (default).

  • false. Animation is disabled.

EnableCanvas Boolean Determines whether the Canvas element is used to render a chart. Available Values:
  • true. Used.

  • false. Not used (default).


The following code is executed in the browser console on the page of Foresight. Analytics Platform standard web application with open express report, workbook or dashboard.

//Get web application settings
conf = PP.Ui.getConfig();
//Enable series animation on chart rerendering
conf.setChart({Animation: true});

After executing the example chart of the open report is rendered using animation.

See also:
