Working with Charts > Classes > ChartCanvasSerie > ChartCanvasSerie.TrendLine
TrendLine: Object;
getTrendLine() : PP.Ui.ChartSplineSerie;
The TrendLine property contains trend line settings.
Property value is set from JSON.
Trend line is a particular data series, use the getTrendLine method to get an instance of the trend line.
Trend line type depends on the Type property of the settings object and can be set to:
linear. Linear trend.
logarithmic. Logarithmic trend.
exponential. Exponential trend.
power. Power trend.
mean. Mean value.
peaks. Peak values.
Example of trend line settings object:
{ BackwardForecast: 0, Color: "rgb(0,0,0)", Enabled: true, ForwardForecast: 0, LineDashStyle: "solid", LineWidth: 1, Name: "", PeakInterval: 12, ShowInLegend: true, Type: "Linear", UseAutomaticText: true, }
The example of use is given on the ChartCanvasSerie.LineDashStyle page.
See also: