Working with Charts > Classes > ChartCanvasSerie > ChartCanvasSerie.LineDashStyle
LineDashStyle: String;
The LineDashStyle property determines series line drawing style.
Use JSON to set the property value and the getLineDashStyle method to get the property value.
Available values:
Solid. Straight line.
Dash. Dashed line.
Executing the example requires the web application with opened instance of express report, with selected chart of line type. It is required to enter code in the console:
// Get chart instance dView = PP.App.getModuleObject().getReportBox().getDataView(); chart = dView.getChartView().getInstance(); // Get the first data series oldSerie = chart.getSeries()[0]; // Get data series settings newSerie = oldSerie.getSettings(); // Determine properties for the new series newSerie.LineDashStyle = "Dash"; // Set line break coefficient newSerie.LineBreak = 0.5; // Set trend line for the new series trend = { BackwardForecast: 0, Color: "rgb(0,0,0)", Enabled: true, ForwardForecast: 0, LineDashStyle: "Dash", LineWidth: 1, Name: "Linear trend", PeakInterval: 12, ShowInLegend: true, Type: "Linear", UseAutomaticText: true }; newSerie.TrendLine = trend; // Check if appearance is animated console.log(oldSerie.getIsNewborn() ? "IsNewborn = true" : "IsNewborn = false") // Check attribute of animated deletion console.log(oldSerie.getMarkedForDeath() ? "MarkedForDeath = true" : "MarkedForDeath = false") // Change series index in legend newSerie.LegendIndex = 3; // Enable series shadow display newSerie.Shadow.Enabled = true; // Set color and width of pressed line newSerie.InsetColor = "rgba(130, 16, 182, 1.000000)"; newSerie.InsetLineWidth = 1; // Change settings of the line that replaces empty values newSerie.EmptyLine.LineWidth = 3; // Change smoothing coefficient newSerie.ApproximationPixelCoef = 1; // Add a new series chart.addSerie(newSerie);
After executing the example a new series with alternative settings containing trend line was added.
See also: