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Working with Charts > Classes > ChartCanvasSerie > ChartCanvasSerie.LineDashStyle



LineDashStyle: String;


The LineDashStyle property determines series line drawing style.


Use JSON to set the property value and the getLineDashStyle method to get the property value.

Available values:


Executing the example requires the web application with opened instance of express report, with selected chart of line type. It is required to enter code in the console:

// Get chart instance
dView = PP.App.getModuleObject().getReportBox().getDataView();
chart = dView.getChartView().getInstance();
// Get the first data series
oldSerie = chart.getSeries()[0];
// Get data series settings
newSerie = oldSerie.getSettings();
// Determine properties for the new series
newSerie.LineDashStyle = "Dash";
// Set line break coefficient
newSerie.LineBreak = 0.5;
// Set trend line for the new series
trend = {
BackwardForecast: 0,
Color: "rgb(0,0,0)",
Enabled: true,
ForwardForecast: 0,
LineDashStyle: "Dash",
LineWidth: 1,
Name: "Linear trend",
PeakInterval: 12,
ShowInLegend: true,
Type: "Linear",
UseAutomaticText: true
newSerie.TrendLine = trend;
// Check if appearance is animated
console.log(oldSerie.getIsNewborn() ? "IsNewborn = true" : "IsNewborn = false")
// Check attribute of animated deletion 
console.log(oldSerie.getMarkedForDeath() ? "MarkedForDeath = true" : "MarkedForDeath = false")
// Change series index in legend
newSerie.LegendIndex = 3;
// Enable series shadow display
newSerie.Shadow.Enabled = true;
// Set color and width of pressed line
newSerie.InsetColor = "rgba(130, 16, 182, 1.000000)";
newSerie.InsetLineWidth = 1;
// Change settings of the line that replaces empty values
newSerie.EmptyLine.LineWidth = 3;
// Change smoothing coefficient
newSerie.ApproximationPixelCoef = 1;
// Add a new series

After executing the example a new series with alternative settings containing trend line was added.

See also:
