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Data Analysis and Building Reports > Data Visualizers

Data Visualizers

Visualizers display data from one source in different forms. If data is changed in the data source, data in all visualizers is automatically changed.

Inserting visualizers in each tool has its features. Features of selecting and inserting visualizers:


The Table visualizer is used to structure data as a spreadsheet.

Key features:


The Chart visualizer is used to graphically display table data using various chart types.

Key features:


The Map visualizer is used to graphically display table map data with value frequency by time.

Key features:

Bubble Chart

The Bubble Chart visualizer is used to display table data as bubbles built as a scatter chart with value frequency in time.

Key features:

Bubble Tree

The Bubble Tree visualizer is used to graphically display table data as a set of interconnected bubbles with value frequency in time.

Key features:

Tree Map

The Tree Map visualizer is used to graphically display table data as a set of nested rectangles with value frequency in time.

Key features:

See also:

Table | Chart | Map | Bubble Chart | Bubble Tree | Tree Map