Bubble Tree
A bubble tree displays hierarchical data as a set of interrelated bubbles. Each hierarchical branch is represented with a bubble related with bubbles that are elements of the same hierarchical level. All elements of the same branch and the same hierarchical level form a circle, the center of which shows the parent element of the hierarchy. Each bubble's diameter is proportional to the value of the corresponding hierarchical element. Bubble color also depends on value of the hierarchical element.
IMPORTANT. Before getting started with the visualizer make sure that system requirements to client computer (desktop application) and for BI server (web application) are met. The web application supports visualizers if the BI server is installed in Windows 7 or later. Visualizer appearance may differ depending on the graphic libraries in use (DirectX 10 or OpenGL).
A bubble tree enables the user to display two-value sets for hierarchical data:
The first value determines bubble color.
The second value determines bubble diameter.
Bubble tree advantages:
It enables the user to find interrelation between two factors in a hierarchical data structure.
It enables the user to show relations between hierarchical elements in a visual form.
Example of the Bubble Tree data view:
Get started with a bubble tree by setting up dimensions.
See also: