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Chart > Captions


Chart captions are the components that contain names of other chart components.

Captions can be defined for charts, axes, or value axis tick mark interval.

NOTE. Text of the caption for tick mark intervals is specified on the Scale tab of the Axis Format dialog box.

Caption Parameters

Parameters of chart and axes captions can be set up on the Captions tab of the Chart Parameters dialog box.

NOTE. Caption parameters can be set up in the Chart Parameters dialog box only in the desktop application.

To open the Chart Parameters dialog box

Enter names of the chart and axes captions in the respective boxes. To change caption format, click the button in the edit box. Clicking the button opens the Caption Format dialog box.

Caption Format

Formatting for the chart title, axes captions and axis tick mark interval caption can be set up in the Caption Format dialog box.

TIP. To quickly set up captions of chart axes, use the Category Axis (X), Value Axis (Y) and Value Axis (Secondary) tabs on the side panel.

To open the Caption Format dialog box

The following caption settings are available in the Caption Format dialog box:

See also:

Setting Up General Chart Parameters | Setting Up Chart Components