

The <APKapDelegate> protocol is used to work with dashboard delegate.

Supported Protocols



addSlaveBlock:toMasterBlock:. The specified composite block is added to parent block.

createBubbleDataViewControllerWithMetabaseKey:blockKey:. Creates a bubble chart controller.

createBubbleTreeDataViewControllerWithMetabaseKey:blockKey:. Creates a bubble tree controller.

createChartDataViewControllerWithMetabaseKey:blockKey:. Creates a chart controller.

createGridDataViewControllerWithMetabaseKey:blockKey:. Creates a table controller.

createExpressReportDataViewControllerWithMetabaseKey:blockKey:. Creates an express report controller.

createImageDataViewController. Creates an image view controller.

createMapDataViewControllerWithMetabaseKey:blockKey:. Creates a map data view controller.

createProceduralReportDataViewControllerWithMetabaseKey:blockKey:. Creates a regular report view controller.

createTextDataViewController. Creates a text data view controller.

createTreeMapDataViewControllerWithMetabaseKey:blockKey:. Creates a tree map controller.

createWebDataViewController. Creates a web page view controller.

dismissControlsForFullscreenBlock. Deletes controls displayed in the full screen mode of dashboard composite block.

hideControlsForFullscreenBlock:. Hides the dimension panel located to the left of the composite block and displays dashboard title.

metabaseKeyByBlockKey:. Determines data source key corresponding to dashboard block key.

showControlsForFullscreenBlock:. Enables the full-screen mode of composite block display with the specified key.

See also:

Protocols. The Mobile Application Component