
The 2D Map Component

Use the following classes to work with the 2D Map component:

Identifier Brief description
The MapAreaVisual class is used to work with the map area indicator.
The MapArrow class is used to work with a map arrow.
The MapBarVisual class is used to work with the map bar factor.
The MapBubblePopoverView class is used to work with a popup window on a map.
The MapChart class is used to work with the map displayed on the mobile device screen.
The MapChart2D class is used to work with a 2D map displayed on the mobile device screen.
The MapChartSign class is used to work with the icons on the map.
The MapFilledArrow class is used to work with the background fill arrow.
The MapLabel class is used to work with a label.
The MapLayer class is used to work with a map layer.
The MapLegend class is used to work with the legend.
The MapObject class is used to work with objects that form the map.
The MapPieVisual class is used to work with a pie chart factor.
The MapPlaced class is used to work with the objects on a map.
The MapShape class is used to work with a map area.
The MapTimeAxis class is used to work with a time axis.
The MapTooltip class is used to work with the tooltip.
The MapTopobase class is used to work with a topobase.
The MapVisual class is used to work with a map factor.

See also:

Working with the 2D Map Component