
The Chart Component

Use the following categories to work with the Chart component:

Identifier Brief description
The Brush(Charting) category is used to work with parameters of the brush used to fill some area.
The ChartMarker(Charting) category is used to work with markers that correspond to series point values.
The GradientBrush(Charting) category is used to worj with a brush applied for gradient fill.
The GradientStop(Charting) category is used to work with gradient stop parameters.
The LinearGradientBrush category is used to work with a brush applied for fill with linear gradient.
The RadialGradientBrush class enables the user to work with the brush that paints an area with radial gradient.
SolidColorBrush(Charting) The SolidColorBrush(Charting) category is used to work with a brush applied for solid color fill.
UIColor(Transition) The UIColor(Transition) category is used to calculate transition colors.

See also:

Working with the Chart Component