
Fore Syntax

Objects: Integer;

Fore.NET Syntax

Objects: Integer;


The Objects property determines a field index of the data source containing analyzed elements.


Index of the field containing transactions is determined by the IDmAssociationRules.Transactions property.

Fore Example

Executing the example requires that the repository contains a table containing data for analysis with the DM_TABLE identifier. A regular report with the DM_REPORT_RES identifier where analysis results will be loaded must also be present.

Add links to the Metabase, Ms, Report, Stat, Tab system assemblies.

Sub UserARules;
    mb: IMetabase;
    TableDS: IDmTableDataSource;
    ReportDS: IDmReportDataSource;
    Method: IDmMethod;
    Report: IPrxReport;
    Shs: IPrxSheets;
    Sheet: ITabSheet;
    DM: IDmAssociationRules;
    Reports: IDmReports;
    DmReport: IDmReport;
    mb := MetabaseClass.Active;
    // Create calculation method
    Method := (New DataMiningMethod.Create) As IDmMethod;
    // Specify method type
    Method.Kind := DmMethodKind.AssociationRules;
    // Create table data source
    TableDS := (New TableDataSource.Create) As IDmTableDataSource;
    // Determine source table
    TableDS.Table := mb.ItemByID("DM_TABLE").Bind;
    // Set input data source
    Method.InputDataSource := TableDS;
    // Create a data source that is a regular report
    ReportDS := (New ReportDataSource.Create) As IDmReportDataSource;
    // Set data consumer
    Method.OutputDataSource := ReportDS;
    // Set up calculation method parameters
    DM := Method.Details As IDmAssociationRules;
    // determine transactions
    DM.Transactions := 1;
    // Determine objects
    DM.Objects := 2;
    // Determine value of minimum support (in percents)
    DM.UseSupportPercent := True;
    DM.MinimumSupport := 20;
    // Determine minimum confidence level
    DM.MinimumConfidence := 0.45;
    // Determine minimum size of the set
    DM.MinimumFrequentItemsetSize := 2;
    // Perform analysis and output results
    Reports := Method.Execute;
    DmReport := reports.FindByType(DmReportType.AssociationRules);
    ReportDS := DmReport.Generate;
    // Get regular report to which results will be unloaded
    Report := mb.ItemByID("DM_REPORT_RES").Edit As IPrxReport;
    Shs := Report.Sheets;
    Sheet := (Shs.Add("", PrxSheetType.Table) As IPrxTable).TabSheet;
    Report.Sheets.Item(0).Name := ReportDS.Caption;
    // Save unloaded data
    (Report As IMetabaseObject).Save;
End Sub UserARules;

After executing the example the Association Analysis data mining will be executed for data from the DM_TABLE table, data mining results will be unloaded to the DM_REPORT_RES report.

Fore.NET Example

The requirements and result of the Fore.NET example execution match with those in the Fore example.

Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Ms;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Report;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Stat;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Tab;

Public Shared Sub Main(Params: StartParams);
    mb: IMetabase;
    TableDS: IDmTableDataSource;
    ReportDS: IDmReportDataSource;
    Method: IDmMethod;
    Report: IPrxReport;
    Shs: IPrxSheets;
    Sheet: ITabSheet;
    DM: IDmAssociationRules;
    Reports: IDmReports;
    DmReport: IDmReport;
    mb := Params.Metabase;
    // Create calculation method
    Method := (New DataMiningMethod.Create()) As IDmMethod;
    // Specify method type
    Method.Kind := DmMethodKind.dmmkAssociationRules;
    // Create table data source
    TableDS := (New TableDataSource.Create()) As IDmTableDataSource;
    // Determine source table
    TableDS.Table := mb.ItemByID["DM_TABLE"].Bind();
    // Set input data source
    Method.InputDataSource := TableDS;
    // Create a data source that is a regular report
    ReportDS := (New ReportDataSource.Create()) As IDmReportDataSource;
    // Set data consumer
    Method.OutputDataSource := ReportDS;
    // Set up calculation method parameters
    DM := Method.Details As IDmAssociationRules;
    // determine transactions
    DM.Transactions := 1;
    // Determine objects
    DM.Objects := 2;
    // Determine value of minimum support (in percents)
    DM.UseSupportPercent := True;
    DM.MinimumSupport := 20;
    // Determine minimum confidence level
    DM.MinimumConfidence := 0.45;
    // Determine minimum size of the set
    DM.MinimumFrequentItemsetSize := 2;
    // Perform analysis and output results
    Reports := Method.Execute();
    DmReport := reports.FindByType[DmReportType.drtAssociationRules];
    ReportDS := DmReport.Generate();
    // Get regular report to which results will be unloaded
    Report := mb.ItemByID["DM_REPORT_RES"].Edit() As IPrxReport;
    Shs := Report.Sheets;
    Sheet := (Shs.Add("", PrxSheetType.pstTable) As IPrxTable).TabSheet;
    Sheet.Columns[01].AdjustWidth(-1, -1);
    Sheet.Rows[01].AdjustHeight(-1, -1);
    Report.Sheets.Item[0].Name := ReportDS.Caption;
    // Save unloaded data
    (Report As IMetabaseObject).Save();
End Sub;

See also:
